How has Zuken centralised 100% of travel management with Ayruu?

Before choosing Ayruu, Zuken faced major challenges in managing business travel, such as not supporting payment by bank transfer and implementing a credit card solution.

Our customer was looking for a centralised solution offering simplified management, ease of use and responsive customer service.

Zuken has chosen Ayruu for several reasons:

Responsiveness and high-quality customer service: Ayruu stands out for its responsiveness and exceptional customer service.

Quick implementation: The transition to Ayruu was quick and efficient.

Intuitive platform: Ayruu's Corporate platform won over Zuken's travel agents.

Centralisation of bookings

Ayruu has enabled Zuken to centralise all business travel bookings, covering flights, trains, rental cars and hotels. This centralisation has optimised the efficiency of itinerary planning, saving Zuken a considerable amount of time.

Centralisation of payments

The possibility of a single payment method by bank transfer has been resolved thanks to Ayruu. 

Time saving and efficiency

Centralising bookings has enabled Zuken to save time and considerably improve the efficiency of its itinerary management.

In conclusion, Ayruu has provided concrete solutions to Zuken's business travel management challenges. Ayruu offered efficient centralisation, and customisation and quickly implemented development requests. Moreover, we offered administrative simplicity and exceptional responsiveness. As a result, Ayruu is the ideal partner for optimising business travel and generating tangible benefits.

Contact us now for a personalised demo and find out how Ayruu can be the key to success for your business, just as it was for Zuken.

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